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Virtual Art Show

A-Tracktions - An Urban Cultural Mosaic - NYC Subway

Welcome to my Virtual Art Gallery Show.

The A-Tractions - An Urban Cultural Mosaic series is based on Celebrating Colorful and Diverse destinations one can take a NYC Subway Train to. 

Illustrated to look like Subway Poster Designs that you would find displayed in a present NYC subway system, the artwork drives your curiosity by inspiring you to take your own train ride to these unique destinations.

Each subway station has its own tile mosaic. Whether your born & raised a New Yorker or a future visiting tourist enjoy your “NEXT STOP”! Only in NYC! 

My goal is to inspire those who see my artwork to look more carefully at the diverse culturally rich world around them, to discover acceptance & beauty in unusual places they have never thought to explore before.” This will ultimately bring all people closer to value each other’s cultural differences that make up our Urban Cultural Mosaic in NYC.

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